Latest News from Grotowski Institute CUBE:


Visit the web site of our partner Pleasance at EICC where you  can purchase tickets for our performances.

Our unique pop-up stage built for the Fringe, the Cube will welcome you at Conference Square, behind the EICC venue at 150 Morrison Street, Edinburgh, from 3 to 24 August.


For more info please write to

3rd Aug – 24th Aug H 8:30


Sheol is at once a theatrical séance and a very contemporary lamentation for the dead and the undead, the born and the unborn. It is a descent to the bottom of silence down the thin line of breath, voice and sound; a silence that, like the mythical Sheol, covers and closes, becoming a veil through which no feeling or image can pass through. Love is the only force that can save those entering Sheol. Their descent is accompanied by music, or rather its extraordinary density, as if our bodies were just a sound or an instrument and at the same time a path into bottomless depths.

Inspired by a fascination with Henryk Górecki’s Symphony No. 3, also known as The Symphony of Sorrowful Songs, and including excerpts from Olivier Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time and Gregorgio Allegri’s MiserrereSheol is a story about the desire and will to live a life that is full and vibrant like breathing fire

Music: Marcin Cozer Markiewicz – trumpet, Jan Skopowski – cello, Kamil Grabowski – piano

*this show contains potentially distressing themes, including simulations of peril

Grotowski Institute Residency at Fringe supported by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland from the Culture Promotion Fund

3rd Aug – 24th Aug H 4:30

Nobody Meets Nobody

Physical theatre of emotions.

A man decides to leave his partner, but after a sudden accident, he never leaves their shared space. This tense situation results in an extraordinary shift in bodily impulses and their human relationship.

We exist in the existence of Others. By assuming that you exist, we gain certainty about the existence of “I”. Even when you transform into He/She. Even when we do not notice it.

We are parts of our own stories created for each other.

Grotowski Institute Residency at Fringe supported by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland from the Culture Promotion Fund

3rd Aug – 24th Aug H 6:30

The Border

Initially, the performance BORDER was supposed to exist as a documentary about Antonina Romanova. The war stopped the performer at the front, but that does not mean that she could not be with us in another form. Working on BORDER took me to a completely new place\field to which I invited Olena Matoshniuk, a painter, a woman who strongly supports artists from Ukraine, living in Poland. All this happened thanks to Jarosław Fret, who, hearing Romanova’s story, convinced me to recall it, to make it present.

BORDER is about creating a new, intimate language of the [Not]Present, where the proverbial „barbed wire” disappears. By writing „barbed wire”, I want to evoke the image of a prisoner’s dialogue with the outside world, or refugees behind that wire. All the time, a voice is heard that we would like humanity, not barbed wire.

BORDER oscillates on the edge of performance with ritual and ceremony. Before our eyes it becomes a „rite of passage” or a moment of „receiving and giving” at the same time. It creates a new field, where time is only a moving image of eternity.

The project was created from the need to give a voice to those whose voice is in suspension.

Grotowski Institute Residency at Fringe supported by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland from the Culture Promotion Fund