3rd Aug – 24th Aug H 6:30
The Border
Initially, the performance BORDER was supposed to exist as a documentary about Antonina Romanova. The war stopped the performer at the front, but that does not mean that she could not be with us in another form. Working on BORDER took me to a completely new place\field to which I invited Olena Matoshniuk, a painter, a woman who strongly supports artists from Ukraine, living in Poland. All this happened thanks to Jarosław Fret, who, hearing Romanova’s story, convinced me to recall it, to make it present.
BORDER is about creating a new, intimate language of the [Not]Present, where the proverbial „barbed wire” disappears. By writing „barbed wire”, I want to evoke the image of a prisoner’s dialogue with the outside world, or refugees behind that wire. All the time, a voice is heard that we would like humanity, not barbed wire.
BORDER oscillates on the edge of performance with ritual and ceremony. Before our eyes it becomes a „rite of passage” or a moment of „receiving and giving” at the same time. It creates a new field, where time is only a moving image of eternity.
The project was created from the need to give a voice to those whose voice is in suspension.
Grotowski Institute Residency at Fringe supported by Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland from the Culture Promotion Fund