Inside the Cube for the entire duration of FRINGE we will be presenting a great selection of recordings. On Fridays and Saturdays at noon we want to warmly invite you all to take part in shows brought from the Laboratory Theater and Teatr ZAR. On the occasion of the appearance of a pop-up stage in the center of Edinburgh, we have a unique opportunity to give you a glimpse of our work, introduce people who create the Institute, performers and artists who continue the task of developing sensitivity and turning emotions into performances shared with the audience. 

Schedule for Fridays and Saturdays:

9-10 of AugustA screening of a documentary training sessions by the Laboratory Theater

  • The Body Speaks, made in Holstebro, presents a record of Ryszard Cieślak’s physical training. 
  • Acting Therapy, Zygmunt Molik’s Professional Laboratory, consultation and advisory sessions on acting techniques one of the main actor of Polish Laboratory Theatre

16-17 of August – A screening of performances by the Teatr ZAR

  • Singing in Exile – Presentation of the documentary directed by Nathalie Rossetti and Turi Finocchiaro, 72’, dedicated to creation of Armine, Sister performance by Teatr ZAR;
  • Anhelli. The Howl – A a film of musical performance by Teatr ZAR composed with life performed Armenian, Georgian, Greek hymns and Orthodox irmoses, 60’

23-24 of AugustA screening of an archival performances by the Laboratory Theater

  • Akropolis – a film record of performance of Laboratory Theatre of 13 Rows, after Stanisław Wyspiański, Directed by Józef Szajna and Jerzy Grotowski, 1962.
  • The Constant Prince – a row record of performance by Laboratory Theatre of 13 Rows – The Institute for Studies of the Method of Acting, after Pedro Calderón de la Barca and Juliusz Słowacki, adapted and directed by Jerzy Grotowski, 1965.

The events are free and you do not need to book a place. The audience is welcome to the last available seat.